HomeHow ToEasily Link Your Facebook Account with Discord

Easily Link Your Facebook Account with Discord

Discord is an instant real-time messaging platform that became popular in 2015. In contrast, Facebook was developed and launched in the year 2004. Both applications help users to get connected and stay alive in the online world.

Even though we have heard and used Facebook, Discord might be new for many of us, and after this article, you might be interested in trying out Discord. 

We will see more about Discord in the article below. Here we will be discussing how you can link your Facebook to your Discord Account.

So without any due, let’s get to the topic.


  • Can I link my Facebook and Discord accounts?
  • How to link Facebook Accout with Discod?
  • A brief about Discord
  • What are the benefits of linking Facebook to Discord?

Yes, you can; but before we discuss how to link Facebook and Discord, let’s check out the benefits of linking both.

What are the benefits of linking Facebook to Discord?

Let’s see the benefits of linking both platforms

  • Users can post Facebook posts directly without user intervention.
  • Send instant messages to channels or DM
  • Add photo on Facebook on new channel message 

Now let’s see how to link them: 

Fun fact: Are you interested in stock!! Discord got you covered in that area too. It will give you an update on the latest stock news through the stock server. 

The process involved in linking Facebook to your Discord account is simple. Let’s check that out:

  • Open web browser -> login to your account 
  • On the lower left side, you would find a setting button -> click on it -> select connections on the left side panel
  • You can find Facebook -> select Facebook -> you will be redirected to another tab
  • The Facebook login page will be loaded-> login to your account 

Your account is now linked to Facebook. Even if you’re facing any issue, you can always raise a ticket regarding the issue with Discord, and their technical team will assist you. 

Fun fact: Discord used to have a Pokemon bot. Developers had to remove it due to its high demand. 

A brief about Discord 

Discord was developed by Discord Inc when developers understood the need for an instant messaging platform for gamers. Gamers require a real-time chat window that enables them to share screen time and easy to use interface. The other real-time instant messaging app lack some specific features which are required for gamers. Even though it was developed for gamers, later it became a common household name, and users started using Discord for projects to trips. 

Discord found its way to users’ minds very quickly. Let’s see the certain benefits of Discord. 

  • The layout is designed in such a way that user can see which of your friends are online. So it’s easy for the user to initiate a chat. 
  • When you swipe to the right, it will show servers which user is part of, and swiping to the left will give the user information on people that are online on those servers.
  • Customization: user can customize the emojis and bots. Note – Bots are programs that are pre-programmed to perform certain repetitive activities.
  • Gaming is fun with group chats and screen sharing. 

Also Read | How to Add Discord Spoilers?

Fun fact: Discord – the word doesn’t have any particular meaning. And No, it has no connection to the Apple of Discord from Greek Mythology!

For more understanding of Discord, we should know its terminologies. Here are a few terms. 

  • Server: we all heard about the term server, which is related to computer networks. Well, the server in Discord is used by communities and friends groups. Servers are a specific topic on which groups or communities are formed. The majority of the servers available are invite-only and limited. There are also large servers that are used for large games such as Minecraft. 
  • Channel: there are two types of channels available. users can create among these two 
    • Text: this channel allows the user to post messages, send files and images.
    • Voice: this channel allows the user to call video and audio, share screen and go live. 
  • DM and GDM: similar to WhatsApp, users can have one-to-one conversations know as DM- Direct Message. Discord also allows the user to have a group conversation as part of DM with a limit of 10 people. Whereas GDM – Group Direct Message requires an invitation from the host

Fun fact: music bot was the first bot to reach 1million servers 

Also Read | Discord Account Disabled? | Here’s How to Raise an Appeal

  • Go Live: as it is developed for gamers, Discord allows its users to share its screen on the server. 
  • Nitro is the premium subscription that allows its user to customize its discord tag; the discord tag is a unique number beside the username. Each user will have a unique code. The premium subscription allows the user to send large files.
  • Server boost: This helps a community to upgrade the features. The user can improve call quality, customized invitation links, emojies, etc.
  • Student hub: This feature allows the students to verify as students using their college ID and enables them to be connected with their college mates. The platform isn’t related to the campus they study, but students themselves would run it. 

Also Read | How Can I Delete an Instagram Account that is Made With Facebook?

Everyone love discord for various reasons, 

  • Some chose to make family plans, with members living in different parts of the world. 
  • Users use Discord for communicating, connecting with their friends. 
  • Used to connect with colleagues or related professions, e.g., teachers teaching in different schools can connect and discuss syllabus. 

Fun fact: no ads.. yes you heard it right. The company is against advertisements.

Wrapping up 

Discord and Facebook are real-time social media platforms, both serving different purposes. Users can link Facebook and Discord together and use the benefit of both applications and enhance their social life. 

I hope this article was helpful to you. For the latest technology updates, Subscribe to our newsletter and stay safe. 

Thazni Siar
Mother of twins, Thazni likes to write even amid all the chaos, hailing from the rice barrel of Kerala - Palakkad. She believes in the “keep it simple” kind of writing, palatable to all age groups. She completed her B.Tech in Electronics and Communication due to her love for Electronic Devices and Technology in general. She is now hoping to find a parallel career in content writing.


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