Home How To How to Remove #OpenToWork From LinkedIn Profile Picture

How to Remove #OpenToWork From LinkedIn Profile Picture

How to Remove #OpenToWork From LinkedIn Profile Picture

The largest professional networking platform LinkedIn has many unique features on its sleeve for its professional users, lately, they have updated a new feature for aspiring job hunters named #opentowork.  We will be discussing one of those features today

This feature act as an advertisement for your professional career, where aside from applying for a new job, you can also let your network know that you are open to work. This can provide a wider framework for reaching new audiences and getting better opportunities. 

Open to work is a banner on your profile picture which let recruiters know you are open to working. Learn how to add open to work to your LinkedIn account.

How to remove the Open-To-Work Banner From The profile picture?

Got your dream job? Got what you were looking for? Well, don’t worry we can remove those tags as well. Let’s see open to work in detail in this article.

The banner would give a clear picture if you’re open to working on LinkedIn. But this banner can create a professional problem if your current company is not aware of your career shift. 

We will deal with how to remove open to work from the LinkedIn profile later in this article, but first, let’s see how can we make it disappear from the profile picture. 

Step 1: Open the LinkedIn app or login into your LinkedIn account through your preferred browser.

Linkedin frames button

Step 2: Click on your “Profile” icon

Step 3: On your “profile” icon you can find a ‘plus sign‘ click on it – the option to view/edit your profile picture can be seen. 

Step 4: Click on ”frames”- now select the original frame and click apply.

Remove open to work Badge

Step 5: To reconfirm an additional pop-up might ask whether users wish to remove the banner from their profile picture. Click ”remove open to work“.

Now there can be situations where you forgot to remove the tag. Well, even if you forgot to remove the tag, don’t worry!

LinkedIn AI will detect the non-responsiveness of the user when job alerts approach the user and remind them that the open-to-work banners are still up and ask the user whether they wish to continue the banner on their profile. If not then it will be removed from your profile picture.

How to remove #opentowork banner on your LinkedIn profile. 

Changing the open to work tag is a very easy process and would hardly take 5 minutes of your time, but it is important because we don’t want other recruiters to think, you are open to work when you are not. 

Steps for Linkedin on Browser

Step 1: Open your preferred browser

Step 2: Login into your LinkedIn account. 

Step 3: Your profile is available on the left side of the screen tap on it. Another way to access your profile is through the top menu. 

Step 4: Now you may “select view” menu

Step 5: The page you’re seeing on your browser is your profile, which you can find “open to” click on it

Step 6: Now, a small pop-up will open, on the top right side corner you can find a pencil symbol click on it. 

Step 7: A full-page pop-up will appear( make sure you have made pop-up permission given to your system) scroll down to see “delete from profile”.

Step 8: The open to option would disappear from your profile after saving your changes.

Steps for Linkedin Mobile Application

Step 1: Open the LinkedIn app on your IOS or Andriod phone

Step 2: On your main page click on your profile picture to access your profile.

Step 3: Tap view profile 

Step 4: Click the pencil icon near open to work

Step 5: Click delete from the profile, reconfirmation would be asked click delete again

keep open to work without letting your entire connection know

Step 1: Tap the pencil icon below the open-to-work option 

Step 2: When you scroll down you can find all LinkedIn members click on it.

Step 3: Choose the recruiter-only option and save it 

Steps to filter the audience 

Note: if you are afraid that your current employer would know that you are open to work, then don’t work LinkedIn also has an option to choose the audience to which your open to work is open.

Meaning only recruiters would be notified about your opentowork status. Let’s see how it can be done

Step 1: Click the pencil icon near open to work 

Step 2: When you scroll down you will see all LinkedIn members along with a drop button. 

Step 3: Click the drop button and tick the recruiters only. 

Step 4: Tap the save button to successfully save your preferences

Now let us see how to remove open to work from linked in mobile application 


Open to work is a very easy-to-use and helpful feature that LinkedIn has incorporated into their domain, it has shown some remarkable feedback from users, and I hope with this article, you can also put it to some good use with these latest features.

I hope this article was helpful and informative. Do comment on the comment session about your views on the subject and how helpful the tool is for your career shift and upgrade.  


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