HomeHow ToHow to block Facebook bots?

How to block Facebook bots?

Facebook has become a powerful platform for businesses, organizations, and individuals to reach a large audience, making it an attractive target for malicious actors. One of the most common types of unwanted activity on the platform is bots. 

These automated programs are a part of spamming, phishing, and other malicious activities, so it is essential to know how to block Facebook bots.

This article will explain what Facebook bots are, their use, and how you can block them. We will also provide tips for staying safe on the platform and protecting your information from threats.

What are Facebook Bots?

Facebook bots are automated programs designed to interact with users on the platform. Basically, they automate a wide range of activities, such as sending messages, posting updates, and commenting on posts.

Some bots are designed to be helpful and provide information, while others are malicious and used for spamming, phishing, and other harmful activities.

Why are Facebook Bots Used For?

There are many reasons why people use Facebook bots. Some use them to automate tasks and save time, while others use them for malicious purposes. Some of the most common reasons for using bots include the following:

Spamming: Some bots spam users with unwanted messages and advertisements.

Phishing: Bots trick users into giving up their personal information by posing as a trustworthy source.

Manipulating Social Media: It can artificially inflate the popularity of a particular post, page, or account or spread false information.

Automating Tasks: Some bots perform automatic tasks, such as sending messages, posting updates, and commenting on posts.

How to Block Facebook Bots?

If you’re receiving unwanted messages or seeing suspicious activity from a Facebook bot, it’s essential to take steps to block it. Let’s learn how to block Facebook Bots.

How to Block Facebook Bots On a Desktop/PC

Step 1.: Open your Facebook profile on a browser, then click on the profile picture.

Facebook profile on a browser

Step 2.: Once you click on your profile picture, a Drop-Down menu appears; click on “Settings & Privacy.”

"Settings & Privacy.

Step 3.: When you are on “Settings & Privacy,” click “Settings.”


Step 4.: Under “Settings,” select “Privacy.”

Under "Settings," select "Privacy."

Step 5.: Under “Privacy,” select “Blocking.”

Under "Privacy," select "Blocking."

Step 6.: Now, once you are under “Blocking,” look at your left side, under “Block Users,” click on “Edit.”

"Block Users," click on "Edit."

Step 7.: On the new window, click “Add to the block list.”

Add to the block list.

Step 8.: Now you will find a search bar; type the name of the bot you want to block. And then, select the bot’s name and click “Block.”

 click "Block."

Step 9.: Once you have clicked on “Block,” a pop-up window will appear confirming the bot is blocked.

click confirm

How to Block Facebook Bots On Smartphone App

Step 1.: Open your Facebook App, then click on the profile picture.

facebook app profile button

Step 2.: Scroll down and select “Settings & Privacy.”

Settings & Privacy on facebook app

Step 3.: Select “Settings” from the top of the screen.

Settings button on facebook app

Step 4.: Then click on “Profile Settings.”

profile settings

Step 5.: Now click on “Blocking.”

blocking bots on facebook app

Step 6.: Under “Blocking,” click on “Add to Blocked List.”

add to blocked list

Step 7.: Now search for the name of the bot you want to block in the search bar by typing the name of the bot. A list will appear, select the bot’s name and click on “Block.”

blocking fact checker spam on facebook

Step 8.: A pop-up will appear; click on “Block.”

bot blocking confirmation on facebook

These above steps will help us block the bot from our Facebook account.

Disclaimer: That the Bot names used above are just shown as an example, they may not be malicious in nature.

Few more methods to block bots on Facebook:

If you’re receiving unwanted messages from a bot, you can report it to Facebook. It will help Facebook to identify and remove the bot from the platform.

Report the Bot

To report a bot, go to the message and, click on the three dots in the top right corner, then select “Report.”

Block the Bot

If you’re receiving unwanted messages from a bot, you can block them to stop them from appearing in your inbox. To block a bot, go to the message and, click on the three dots in the top right corner, then select “Block.”

Security measures to follow if you face trouble with bots on Facebook.

Facebook has several security settings that can help you protect your account from unwanted activity.

Use Facebook’s Security Settings.

You can access these settings by going to your Facebook account, clicking on the “Settings” button in the top right corner, and clicking on “Security and Login.”

From here, you can turn on features such as two-factor authentication and login notifications, which can help you protect your account from unwanted activity.

Be Careful with Personal Information.

It’s essential to be careful with your personal information on Facebook, as negative factors can use this information to target you with phishing attempts. To protect your information, ensure your Facebook privacy settings are on the highest level and that you only share information with trusted friends and family.

Use Antivirus Software.

Antivirus software can also help protect your computer from malicious software, including bots, as they tend to attack Facebook accounts. Make sure to keep your antivirus software up to date and run regular scans to keep your computer secure.

Be Cautious with Links and Downloads

Bots also spread malicious links and downloads, so you must be cautious with the links and downloads you click. Before clicking on a link, hover over it to see where it’s going, and never download anything from an untrusted source.

Beware of Requests for Personal Information.

Bots can trick you into giving up your personal information, so it’s essential to be wary of requests for personal information. If you receive a message asking for your password, credit card information, or other sensitive information, it’s likely a phishing attempt, and you should not respond.

Keep Your Browser and Operating System Up to Date.

Keeping your browser and operating system up to date is vital for protecting your computer and your Facebook account from malicious activity. New updates often contain security fixes, so installing them as soon as they become available is important.


In conclusion, blocking Facebook bots is essential in protecting your account and personal information from malicious actors. Using the tips outlined above, you can help protect yourself from unwanted activity and stay safe on the platform.

It’s also important to regularly check your account for suspicious activity and to report any bots or other malicious activity to Facebook so that they get banned from the platform.


1. How Can You Tell If It’s A Bot For Facebook?

The profile is the most common way to determine whether an account is fake. A bio, a link, and a photo are absent from even the most basic bots. A stolen image from the internet or an account name generated automatically might be used by more sophisticated ones.

2. What Is A Bot Account On Facebook?

A bot is simply a small application that works within a popular messaging application, in this case, Facebook Messenger. The Facebook bot can interact with users automatically once built and installed, giving website visitors access to numerous services.

3. Does Facebook Experience Bot Issues?

Facebook has an issue with bots. That’s a fact that can’t be denied and has been evident for a long time. The social media giant regularly publishes statistics on the number of bots it removes each quarter, reaching 5.6 billion just this past year. That amounts to 71% of the global population.

4. What Are Social Media Bots Used For?

Artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and other programs or databases use these programs to imitate legitimate users who post content. Social bots automate social media interactions to act as people do, but at a scale that humans can’t handle. Bots can be fully or partially automated.

Surajit Saha
Surajit is a Cisco Certified Network Associate and a University of Kolkata graduate. A technical nerd by trade, he started out with computer software and hardware and has recently moved on to networking and telecommunications. He enjoys smart devices and smartphones. Have worked as a Territory Business Incharge for FMCG sector as well. Shares a tremendous love for Cricket and Music.


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